SerendipIT: Technology Solutions

Let's get them solved.

Let's make happy.

At SerendipIT, your technology woes are a thing of the past. Let us know what's going on and what you expect; we'll make it happen.

Having Problems?


Computer Issue?

The time has come: that old adage of, 'they don't make 'em like they used to', that moved through our cars, then our appliances, is now applicable to your computers.... But no worries.

Whether it's your Family Computer, Personal Laptop or Work Computer, we can right your wrongs. Schedule a service or bring your computer by the shop and we'll get you sorted.


Your small business was founded on passion for your product, dedication to your service and clients, the pursuit of profit, or one of many reasons; but you likely didn't start your business so you could run cable and test your hands a Network Administration.  SerendipIT provides independent and unbiased advice for all your technology decisions, along with professional assistance to execute the plan.


Whether you need help weekly or a few times a year, we can arrange a live agent Remote Support resource for you or your staff.


Having a working computer, tablet or phone is one thing, but if they break, data can be moved to a new device. But if you've lost your files or data for any reason, it doesn't matter how healthy your system is, it's the data we value most.

If you've lost any of your files or key data, whether it's on your laptop, or a server RAID, get in touch with us as quick as you can. It's important to keep that device offline though, because the more storage hardware is used after a data loss, the less recoverable that data becomes.

Mobile Devices

Who cares if the computer works anymore, right?"As long as long as I have my phone."Our smart phones, tablets and other mobile devices have become central to our lives, and SerendipIT understands that. Contact us about your issue and we'll do our best to provide you a temporary device if we can't resolve your issue the same day.

Call or Email us today, or Schedule a Service Online*

*Onsite service requests will be confirmed prior to appointment.